Saturday, June 7, 2014

Words Move Me

In his poem, "O Me!  O Life!" Walt Whitman proclaims that life's meaning comes from the knowledge that "the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse."  This blog is my meager attempt to contribute something--a few words here and there to share my love for language.  The character, Mr. Keating, from one of my favorite movies, Dead Poets Society, went to the secret cave in the woods to read poetry with his friends and let it drip from their tongues "like honey."  This blog is my cave on the internet where friends, students, and whoever can come to celebrate and share the power of words to move us.

1 comment:

  1. Vicki, what an awesome reminder about being passionate readers and writers! I think most of us have our own cave, nook or sanctuary where we go to read or write. For me it is my front porch swing. Love that you connected your blog to a movie clip. I was working at trying to link to a YouTube video or author website and just didn't get it to work smoothly. That is tomorrow's project!
